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22 September 2009

Views On Poetry

Adrian Says: 

For me, poetry is a way to express your feelings and emotions through writtings. It uses rhymes and you have the liberty to express whatever you want and feel in poems. I’ve never been too interested in poetry, so I don’t have examples of when poetry was important to me, but I do remember a friend of mine, he had a girlfriend and he wrote her a poem and showed it to me before he gave it to his girlfriend, and I think it was pretty good because he really showed his emotions and how he felt in the poem.

Poetry can make a difference in someones life when it follows the messages of poetry and gains knowledge and uses those messages in the future. You can also write poetry, but is not an easy thing to do. Poetry doesn’t have limits and you can write about anything. I consider song lyrics and poetry to be the same, because they both express feelings and emotions and they rhyme. One song that is also a poem is “Patria” by Ruben Blades in wich he talks about native country in general. “Troy” es a movie from the Poem “Iliad” by Homer and the poem plays an important role in the movie, because basically the movie is bases on the poem.

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