Today at class we talked about the experiences we had doing the activities in “Writing down the bones”. The title of my activity was “A meal you love” and it was about food. In the activity, the author tells you that sometimes when you don’t have any idea of what to write, you should write about food. You can write a lot of things about food, like what is your favorite meal, with whom you have eaten that meal and sometimes you can even say where you have eaten that food. When I started writing about food, I started describing what was my favorite food and the ingredients that it had. Then I got into the mood of describing in detail the ingredients and when I was writing this thing I really got hungry. After that, I stopped writing and on Monday I started writing again. This time I saw that my writing was going in another direction. It had to do with food, but I was talking more about with whom and when I enjoyed that food. Then I realized that I had written two things about food, but in different points of view. The first one was about the food and the second one was about how I enjoyed that food. When I saw this two things I thought that if I combined them, I could actually do a really good story about my favorite meal, that did not have to be boring or not interesting.
I really liked this activity because it gave me an opportunity to write about different things that I never knew I could write of. It taught me that writing is a very creative activity and you should write about whatever you want. When I gave my oral presentation and heard all the others presentations, I started thinking about how sometimes when we have an assignment of free writing, we really don’t know how to start or what to write. Well for me, this can be resolve with “Writing down the bones”. This book helps you go beyond what you know and start writing different things and with a lot of creativity. In my opinion, today I learned new techniques for better writing and when I heard all the experiences that the others had, I felt that I had to do all the activities because each of them can teach me new things.
We are a fanatical group of bloggers. Not fearing the 7sevens is like not fearing God. It's just not sound thinking. We also write for Professors Pittmann's class. Shes aight. Our fury is delivered upon the infidels of blogspot and only the most righteous will be allotted deliverance. Fear the pickle!
More Than a Color
If only for a second
You can stop and think
It doesn’t take that much time
It would be over in a blink
Think before you say
All those hateful things about my race
Think before you talk
That of which the grounds I walk
I am here for a reason
I am no better than you
But with heart and dedication
My heart will shine and bloom
- The Sevens
7seven Samurai
What do you think of the story Teenage Wasteland by Anne Taylor?