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22 September 2009

Views On Poetry

Jose Says: I believe that poetry has its purpose, it is as old as language in my opinion, since Darwin himself said that language probably evolved from primitive song. While I do not subscribe to this theory, there are other numerous theories that language was helped along by song. Hence I believe that poetry has its rightful place in the annals of human history. However, I think that poetry should stick to its rightful medium... music. Poetry has always been about the musicality, so when I hear a poem without music, its similar to playing ping pong without the mini-rackets; you can use your hands and still enjoy it, but I get the feeling that there is something missing. Given the state of popular music these days, it is a little hard to find quality poetry in music, but when one searches enough, there are numerous very talented poets out there. Poetry as a writing form is difficult to read and understand, hence it is mostly reserved for people that have a very high level of language and knowledge. I find it funny how the mass media tends to make fun of poets as saying any cheesy line and everybody in the audience ooing and awing. I find this to be a sad reflection of the common perception of poetry, in that people think its just a bunch of words. How wrong they are...

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